Organic Food Trap& Stuffs.
Organic Food Trap& Stuffs.
Organic Food Trap & Stuffs…
A.Libin Antony
I hope we all remember that while we are in 90’S “ Food is not that much debatable factor”., People Doesn’t care much about food, They know what to eat and which food makes them Healthy. Indian Diet Consist of Rice as Major Food., But Recent years, Rice is considered as Tabooed thing . Elite class Peoples slowly making food as their Prestigious thing and this is spreading across all category Peoples., There is a Modern food trap called “ ORGANIC FOOD”., Food from farms that don’t use artificial fertilizers , GMOs ,Pesticides , growth regulators or additives are called as Organic Foods. Question is that, People how Ensure that food is Grown in Organic Manner? . Organic foods and farms are the booming business of the century. There is a Hoax spreading among the people that food which is labelled as organic contains high nutritious Values., But the fact is organic business is lucrative and Fraudlent. Rate of conventional food and organic food Varies too much . Organic food cost two to three times higher than the conventional food items. Once Organic Vegetables are widespread in the market ., Automatically rates will be higher, Poor people will be affected through this.
Nowadays, Genetically Modified (GM) Vegetables are produced by organic farming , Think, How it contradicts ? We all know how BT Brinjal issue shooked the country at the year 2009–2010. True farmers opposed this BT brinjal , because it destroys the traditional farming methods and practices and it makes the way for corporate farming. The gene coding for Bt toxin has inserted brinjal as transgene, causing it to produce this natural insecticide in it’s tissues .From saplings to plant it is won’t affected by insects and pests. So, Indirectly we are eating that pesticides in the form of brinjal . It may cause several health problems to us. When pesticides are sprayed through conventional methods ,95% of pesticides goes to atmosphere and 5% goes to Atmosphere, So Atmosphere is polluting due to this . In this place need of organic farming is vital , we can use some organic solutions to control the pests & Insects.
We Never imagined that water becomes a commercial product, but it happens and it’s flourishing business of the century. All these corporate gimmicks and government’s ignorance leads to this. There comes a water called Mineral enriched water and litre of water cost around some high values. From our childhood we believed that water and honey are the non-adulterated products . I am wondering how they enrich water with minerals , there is a fact Minerals contains sugar matters, so we are taking sugared water instead of Normal water. Another , Irony is honey comes with expiry date and we supposed to believed that honey is the food which never gets expired. If we doesn’t care for water , I guess third world war will be for water. There is no regulations for putting borewells in India, If someone needs to put borewell, they don’t want to get permission from panchayat level . This needs to be changed and water drought should be prevented. We are living in a nation where people have capacity to buy water cost 600/- per litre and people who filters waste water for drinking purposes.
There is a proverb in tamil called “ உணவே மருந்து”. In olden days peoples has no restrictions in their foods. Their foods are associated with nature so it has medicinal values, this keeps them very healthy and they live longer life. But current scenario is different we should change proverb like “ மருந்து உணவு ”. We are taking medicine as size of food and food as medicine. During this current age there is lot of control in food, there is a common notion that rice is bad for health and promoting wheat is good for health. Rice is a carbohydrates and wheat is a trans carbohydrates , rice is a soluble fibre and wheat is a insoluble fibre. That’s the difference for this. Chinese platter mostly consist of Rice&Fish, Still now they are following this food habit. We all know that Chinese people are healthy and they have highest life span in the world.
During this pandemic time health alone is marketable one. Health and wellness industry is estimated around $4.5 Trillion in 2018. This figure shows that how people are prioritizing their health.
We don’t care about what we eat and all these glamours television ads makes impact on our food and lifestyle. Our food habit changes to idli to Cornflakes and Tea to green tea. Companies are advertising that green tea can cure Cancer, then why Government and researchers spending the millions of money and their precious time. Just take sip and cancer gets cured. Phew, What is this?. People were healthy when they eat traditional foods, when western foods dominiate our culture , our health gets damaged and we are rushing towards hospital for regain our health, Problem is people usually don’t connect the dots.
We can write millions of blogs regarding how to save farmings and how to make our food organic. But, What’s the action plan we have taken? Changes must be starts within ourself . What we can do is, we can start small terrace gardening and produce vegetables of our own .
- Video from TEDx Talks , Ramanjaneyulu is Speaking about “ Poison on our Plate”. Do watch this video, this will video will be a eyeopener about myths of organic farming and farmers struggles.
Link :
2)Water commerlization.
3)I always recommend my friend to follow this youtube channel, this channel is a gem. This channel consist of how to practice organic farming and life’s good values.
Link :
P.S : I’m not a doctor. We are fooled in the name of health and organic foods. We should be aware of this organic food trap and make our world better place for living.
A.Libin Antony
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