Is Electric cars Really a Future?


    Change is the only Constant in life! .Change is a part of our life and most of the times, humans work together for a positive change that can benefit society .Talking about the automotive industry one of the biggest transformation that we have experienced in recent times are introduction of EV’s. From our childhood we are much familiar with these conventional diesel and petrol cars , we heard about the electric cars in between like flying cars . I remember that I read a article in newspaper  like “ Electric cars are the future ̋ ., it was during the year 2008 . If Electric cars are the future , Why does that future seem to be such  a long time coming? .

            People who own a electric cars considered themselves as a savior of the earth , but the fact is not like that, Assume, two peoples driving a car from Chennai to Madurai one person is driving a petrol  car and another one driving  a electric car and second person feels that he is doing good to the environment .,Diesel car pollutes  the atmosphere at the time of the driving ., Yes, I agree electric cars are powered with electricity and it doesn’t harms the environment but we should analyze that how this electricity is Produced ., In world majority of the power sources comes from thermal and nuclear power plant and these cars are charged with these electricity and this electricity is produced by polluting the environment ., Here, people may argue that where this renewable energy sources gone? One of the biggest concerns in the field of renewable energy is power generation depending on natural resources that are uncontrollable by humans and we cannot extract the power these sources throughout the year . And another thing is high Initial cost of installation.

There is a common notion that EV’s are zero emission , Yes EV’s won’t release CO2 and don’t pollute the atmosphere directly. It pollute the Earth in another way, for storing the electric energy it requires Lithium -Ion batteries ., These Li-Ion batteries equally polluting the atmosphere like what CO2 does. Production of lithium-ion  needed a toxic chemicals . The release of such chemical’s through leaching ,spills or air emission can harm communities , ecosystem and food production more over lithium extraction is inevitably harms the soil and also causes air contamination .

    Another bigger worry for the electric cars are the battery replacement cost , it will be cost around the half a cost of the car cost and we are getting goosebumps for everything about America and sad part is usage of EV’s in United States is 2.6% it accounts only the passenger vehicles


Government is always instructing their citizens to go greener energy but Government policies need more inclusiveness of the both demand and supply chains not just dependent on demand-side policies . In above picture you can see the reply the of Elon musk, CEO of Tesla motors and they are willing to expand their market in India but all these government policies restricting them.

                You might feel that I am negative about the electric cars, I admire that electric cars are the blessing to the environment but my concern is electric cars should be powered with  the clean energy rather than going with burning the fossil fuels , If we don’t encourage the clean energy. I think there is no point of going with the Electric Vehicles.


                                                                                                                              A.Libin Antony




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