
Showing posts from January, 2022

Is Electric cars Really a Future?

       Change is the only Constant in life! .Change is a part of our life and most of the times, humans work together for a positive change that can benefit society .Talking about the automotive industry one of the biggest transformation that we have experienced in recent times are introduction of EV’s. From our childhood we are much familiar with these conventional diesel and petrol cars , we heard about the electric cars in between like flying cars . I remember that I read a article in newspaper  like “ Electric cars are the future ̋ ., it was during the year 2008 . If Electric cars are the future , Why does that future seem to be such   a long time coming? .             People who own a electric cars considered themselves as a savior of the earth , but the fact is not like that, Assume, two peoples driving a car from Chennai to Madurai one person is driving a petrol   car and another one dri...