
The Samosa Seller's Wisdom: A Lesson in Legacy and Success

There was a famous samosa shop in front of the gate of a big company. The employees of the company often used to come there and eat samosas during lunchtime. One day, while eating samosa, a manager of the company got into the mood of joking with the samosa seller. Manager  said to the samosa vendor, "Muruga,  you have maintained your shop very well, but don't you think that you are wasting your time and talent by selling samosas? Think, if you were working in this company like me, where would you be today... Maybe you would have also been a manager like me.." On this, samosa vendor Gopal thought a lot and said, "Sir, my work is much better than yours, 10 years ago when I used to sell samosas in a basket, I got your job, then I used to earn thousand rupees per month and your salary was 10 thousand. In these 10 years, both of us worked very hard... You became a manager from a supervisor. And I reached from a basket to this famous shop. Today you earn 50,000 per month A

The Road to Success: Navigating Life's Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles

                         The Road to Success: Navigating Life's Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles                                                                                                                                        A.Libin Antony It has been a long time since I last posted any content on my blog. I have been focusing more on YouTube, and I couldn't give enough attention to my blog. As a reader of Quora, I came across a post that inspired me deeply. Here's the content: "Happened in a Nigerian bank. A security man walked up to the Bank Manager and boldly told him that he is a graduate and would love to participate in the Aptitude test for the vacant position. The Boss allowed him to write the test. He was the ' Best Candidate' and got the job. The pic shows him on Friday: last day as a security man and Monday: first day as a Banker. What's your take" The above incident has inspired me greatly. It serves as a reminder that we all posse

How to make a vertical text box in Microsoft visio?

                                   How to make a vertical text box in Microsoft visio? By A.Libin Antony Posted on 09.03.2022 @ 12:16 PM Welcome to today's blog, where we will be discussing one of the most searched questions on Google - how to make a vertical text box in Microsoft Visio. If you have been struggling to find a simple solution to this problem, you have come to the right place. Many online solutions suggest creating a rectangle and changing the direction of the text, but we will be sharing a much simpler method with you today. By the end of this blog, you will be able to create vertical text boxes in Microsoft Visio with ease. So, let's get started! STEP :1  OPEN MICROSOFT VISIO STEP :2 GO TO INSERT TAB   STEP:3 GO TO TEXT BOX AND SELECT VERTICAL BOX STEP :4 These are the steps that you can make a simple vertical text box without changing it's direction and orientation. Thanks and stay tuned for more.      Follow my blog.

C# Program for Coin Vending Machine

                                                              C# Program for Coin Vending Machine Posted by Libin Antony@10-02-2023 IST : 09:12:23 The code uses the C# programming language to simulate a coin vending machine that accepts coins in increments of 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2. The program calculates the total amount of coins inserted by the user, and compares it to the price of the item being sold by the machine. When the total amount equals or exceeds the item price, the transaction is complete and the item is dispensed.                                                                  Program using System; namespace CoinVendingMachine {     class Program     {         static void Main(string[] args)         {             decimal totalAmount = 0;             decimal itemPrice = 1.5m;             Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Coin Vending Machine");             Console.WriteLine("Please insert coins in increments of 0.25");             Console.WriteLine("

General C# Programs for Beginners

Posted by Libin Antony on 17-01-2023   General C# Programs for Beginners In this blog we are going to discuss about the basic C# Programming., Below are the some of the programs we are going to discuss. C# Programs are as similar to javascript programming, some keywords are different from Java script. Solved C# Program Question-Answer follows after the questions. Program-1 Input a code [C|S|V] and a character .Then find a)if the code is ’C’ then find the character is capital or not b)if the code is ‘S’ then find the character is small or not c)if the code is ‘V’ then find the character is vowel or not Program-2: Check Given Number is Prime or not using C#. Program-3: Swap First and Last Elements of the Given Array Program-4 Design a program to Input a Number. Check if it is a positive three digit number or not Program-5 Write a Program to input the height of two students. Print the height of the tallest person Program-6 Input a code [a/b/c] and two numbers a)Code is a ,then pr